E.Power Biggs/ J.S.Bach The Six Organ - Concerto Sinfonias from the Canatas Sonata To The Easter Canata Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring
E.Power Biggs/ J.S.Bach The Six Organ - Concerto Sinfonias from the Canatas Sonata To The Easter Canata Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring
E.Power Biggs/ J.S.Bach The Six Organ - Concerto Sinfonias from the Canatas Sonata To The Easter Canata Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring
1.Sinfonia to Cantana 29 ( Bwv 29) 4:01 Wir danken dir,Gott,wir danken dir( We Thank Thee,Lord,we thank thee)
2. First Sinfonia to Cantata 35( BWV 35)6:18 Geist und Seele wird verwirret( Spirit and soul are in tumult)
3. Chorale from cantata 147 ( BWV 147)3:32 Wohl mir,das ich jesum habe
( Jesu,Joy of Man’s Desiring)
4. Sinfonia to Cantata 169 ( BWV 169)8:38 gott soll allein mein Herze haben( God alone shall have my heart)
1. Sinfonia to Cantat 146( BWV146)9:11Wir mûssen durch viel trübsalin das Reich gottes eingehen( We must through great tribulation enter the kingdom of heaven)
2. second Sinfonia to cantata 35 ( BWV 35) 3:06 Geist und seele wird verwirret( Spirit and soul are in tumult)
3. Sinfonia to cantata 49 ( BWV 49) 8:19 Ich geh’ und suche mit Verlangen( I go and search with longing )
4. Sonata to Cantata 31( Easter Cantata)(BWV 31)2:42 Der Himmel lacht,die Erde jubilieret( The heavens laugh,the earth exults in gladness)
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